Flashback #9 - So many ups and downs!
I left off at the end of April, where not much happened. Easter was fun as always. I got the cutest jacket for Buddy!
But May started with a bang...literally!
Haha...that man! He can't just get something good, he has to get the best of whatever it is that he can afford. We are so different! I have to have a good deal, and especially when it comes to clothes, I'll take quantity/variety over quality. Anyways, he had some fun shooting his new rifle that month!
My love had become the biggest germophobe...I believe I've mentioned this before. Anyways, a couple of things that he had to have after this change, was a UV light (to kill bacteria) that had to be installed in the A/C duct...and who had to do the installing, you ask? Moi! I'm down in the basement drilling through metal with a hole saw, because David couldn't have metal shavings getting in him...he has to have MRIs and can't have any metal in the body! lol...and you can't look at the UV lights when they're on, they can blind you...so it's hard to tell if it's working. You just hope you see the glow...Also, he wanted a whole house water filter. Which granted, makes the water all taste great! But boy, was that a pain to install!!! David is great with technical stuff...but not so great with patience and fine details...so what happens? I don't remember all the details, but there were several 4 letter words, a disconnected water main, a late night plumber call (that there was no way I was gonna pay him $400 to fix it...but had to pay for him coming out :/) no water all night and in the morning...David goes to work, I go to Lowes, find the (hopefully correct) missing parts, come home, cut the pipe, wrangle it into place, and BAM, fix it myself!!! booyah! that's how you do it! lol...although, there was still a minor leak (so NOT my fault!) from David blowtorching too close to the plastic filter connection. I think it took about a year, but we finally fixed that a few months ago...lol
Remember how I told y'all that one of my friends had entered us into a portrait contest. Well, after the winter was finally over and the trees in bloom, we had our shoot.
Joyful Reflections Photography - Meet the Woolley Family
However, the day was tempered with some heartbreaking news. My dear friend Sarah (she, Kim and I make up a trio of besties that I am completely blessed with...they are frequently featured on my page) let us know that her husband Dave (yes, it gets confusing sometimes ;) had been diagnosed with colon cancer. It was completely unbelievable and horrifying.
This is her Facebook status letting everyone know - Please pray for David, he has recently been diagnosed with Colon Cancer ... we are meeting with his Oncologist on Monday to discuss his treatment plan and review his catscan. Thank you to our friends and family who have already overwhelmed us with love, prayers and support ... ♥ you all
I was honestly in a state of shock, unbelief, and great sorrow. For my best friend to have to go through all this seemed like a sick joke...especially as she had already suffered the loss of her mother several years earlier to cancer. I just prayed and prayed, and hugged and cried with her. We always say God meant for us to be friends, He knew we would need each other's support. While of course I never wish it had happened, there is something about someone else going through a similar journey to make for an understanding and close bond. We get it...and we support each other totally! Love you Sarah!
The next day was Red Two's 1st Communion.
So beautiful!
In the meantime, David figured he shouldn't be the one having all the fun...he decided to get the girls a pink .22 rifle...hahaha
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I just love this pic, so I had to put it in ;) |
But May started with a bang...literally!
Haha...that man! He can't just get something good, he has to get the best of whatever it is that he can afford. We are so different! I have to have a good deal, and especially when it comes to clothes, I'll take quantity/variety over quality. Anyways, he had some fun shooting his new rifle that month!
My love had become the biggest germophobe...I believe I've mentioned this before. Anyways, a couple of things that he had to have after this change, was a UV light (to kill bacteria) that had to be installed in the A/C duct...and who had to do the installing, you ask? Moi! I'm down in the basement drilling through metal with a hole saw, because David couldn't have metal shavings getting in him...he has to have MRIs and can't have any metal in the body! lol...and you can't look at the UV lights when they're on, they can blind you...so it's hard to tell if it's working. You just hope you see the glow...Also, he wanted a whole house water filter. Which granted, makes the water all taste great! But boy, was that a pain to install!!! David is great with technical stuff...but not so great with patience and fine details...so what happens? I don't remember all the details, but there were several 4 letter words, a disconnected water main, a late night plumber call (that there was no way I was gonna pay him $400 to fix it...but had to pay for him coming out :/) no water all night and in the morning...David goes to work, I go to Lowes, find the (hopefully correct) missing parts, come home, cut the pipe, wrangle it into place, and BAM, fix it myself!!! booyah! that's how you do it! lol...although, there was still a minor leak (so NOT my fault!) from David blowtorching too close to the plastic filter connection. I think it took about a year, but we finally fixed that a few months ago...lol
Remember how I told y'all that one of my friends had entered us into a portrait contest. Well, after the winter was finally over and the trees in bloom, we had our shoot.
Joyful Reflections Photography - Meet the Woolley Family
However, the day was tempered with some heartbreaking news. My dear friend Sarah (she, Kim and I make up a trio of besties that I am completely blessed with...they are frequently featured on my page) let us know that her husband Dave (yes, it gets confusing sometimes ;) had been diagnosed with colon cancer. It was completely unbelievable and horrifying.
This is her Facebook status letting everyone know - Please pray for David, he has recently been diagnosed with Colon Cancer ... we are meeting with his Oncologist on Monday to discuss his treatment plan and review his catscan. Thank you to our friends and family who have already overwhelmed us with love, prayers and support ... ♥ you all
I was honestly in a state of shock, unbelief, and great sorrow. For my best friend to have to go through all this seemed like a sick joke...especially as she had already suffered the loss of her mother several years earlier to cancer. I just prayed and prayed, and hugged and cried with her. We always say God meant for us to be friends, He knew we would need each other's support. While of course I never wish it had happened, there is something about someone else going through a similar journey to make for an understanding and close bond. We get it...and we support each other totally! Love you Sarah!
The next day was Red Two's 1st Communion.
So beautiful!
In the meantime, David figured he shouldn't be the one having all the fun...he decided to get the girls a pink .22 rifle...hahaha
We also got to celebrate Kim's 30th birthday!
Remember last post I touched on Red Three's bowel issues. Well, it was time for her endoscopy/colonoscopy at the Childen's hospital
Not only did she have to fast the day before, but I had to do a cleanse and then an enema! oh my...was that not fun! Poor little thing...she was so miserable!
She was totally fine, she was only 4, so she didn't know exactly what was going on...just that she was having a procedure to see why she kept having blood. She certainly didn't know all the gory details. It was so sad having to watch her get wheeled away...a couple hours later and she was back. She even got to take home a stuffed animal.
The odd thing was the doctor said the polyps were unusually large. She wasn't too concerned, but we did have to wait for the biopsy. Thankfully all the prayers from everyone helped.
That week we were due to go to NYC for an MRI to check on David's progress. He was on the verge of completing 6 cycles of Temodar.
Oops, make that the next week ;) In the meantime, we were able to go to a little coffehouse type concert with Dave and Sarah and her brother and wife. Dave is a huge fan of Ellis Paul, and they invited us along. It was so nice to spend some time before both Davids started treatment. Remember, my David was supposed to start the trial portion of treatment in the summer, and Dave was starting his chemo and radiation.
For some reason, David decided we really needed a chainsaw...remember what I said, once he's got a bee in his bonnet, it's hard to stop him!
Oddly enough, I have no status updates about the appointment...but the results of the MRI were the same as they had been, which was, no changes. While this was certainly good news, it did mean that because the Temodar did not seem to be having a big effect on the tumor, they no longer felt that he would be a good candidate for the trial. Can I just tell you, I was ecstatic. I mean, I was bummed that the chemo didn't seem to be doing anything, but that trial scared the crap out of me! It was so extreme and the side effects and recovery was crazy. While reading up on what to expect, it seemed like a nightmare. First, David would be in the hospital for about 3 weeks, in New York City...the kids would be at home, still in school. My mom was planning on coming out to stay with the kids and help with David. After being discharged from the hospital, he still wouldn't be able to go home, he would need to be right by the hospital, so we would have to stay at Hope Lodge (if they had the room) while recuperating for at least another 3-5 weeks. He wouldn't be able to eat any food from a restaurant, and a lot of other restrictions...because his immune system would still be regrowing. He wouldn't be able to work for 3 months...it was going to be a big, big deal! When Dr Lassman said that it didn't seem like the trial would be beneficial, I was relieved, but obviously, still a bit worried. He said that he wanted David to continue the Temodar for the standard 12 cycles and then we would reevaluate our options at that point.
Driving home to get ready for David's party, I was mostly happy! Of course, David's work had already laid him off for the summer because of his upcoming procedure. Go figure, they didn't hire him back till September, so we did have to deal with the 3 months of unemployment. We had been planning for it...but still, it was tight! But, the party was fun!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! David decided to use some of our savings to buy a Cobra Mustang! What the heck?!?!?!? I mean, really??? Of course, this was before we knew his work didn't have anything for him until September...lol...oh my...that thing is the bane of my existence! David's done so much fixing/upgrading to it (which translates to $$$)...it's taking up my space in the garage! (two years of having to park in the snow!)...not to mention, it's spent 90% of its time undriveable on jack stands. I mean seriously, it's on them now!!! GRRRRRRRRR lol
Around this point, Buddy got his first haircut. I loved his baby curls, but it was time to move on ;)
4th of July was fun as always...with lots of yummy food!
Apparently David's hot rod instincts don't confine themselves to his car...
Red Three turned 5!
Then it was time for my birthday! I had Dave and Sarah and Kim and Torrey and all the kids over. It was nice!
Here's Sarah's update: is headed over to Mary Catherine Woolley's so she can make us dinner for HER birthday (she insisted)! We do have some reason to celebrate, my husband's radiologist said it looks like the tumor has definitely shrunk, we will know more after scans, we will keep everyone posted! Keep those prayers coming!
This was after being on chemo and radiation for 6 weeks.
I was able to go to Nashville, TN for the MOPS convention at the beginning of August. It was a blast! Coming home from the beautiful Gaylord Opry Hotel was a bit of a letdown...lol
Buddy got super adventurous in August! I'm surprised we never made it to an emergency room.
We were able to go see the second Harry Potter Death Hallows movie with Dave and Sarah!
It was a big birthday! 60 for Mama and 8 for Red Two ;)
This is what happens when Daddy gets a hold of the clippers!
My deep thought for the day...
David continued on his 4 week chemo cycles...having a few days of feeling yucky, but most of the time not too bad. We still went to Sloan every couple of months for MRIs and check ups.
For some reason, David decided we really needed a chainsaw...remember what I said, once he's got a bee in his bonnet, it's hard to stop him!
Oddly enough, I have no status updates about the appointment...but the results of the MRI were the same as they had been, which was, no changes. While this was certainly good news, it did mean that because the Temodar did not seem to be having a big effect on the tumor, they no longer felt that he would be a good candidate for the trial. Can I just tell you, I was ecstatic. I mean, I was bummed that the chemo didn't seem to be doing anything, but that trial scared the crap out of me! It was so extreme and the side effects and recovery was crazy. While reading up on what to expect, it seemed like a nightmare. First, David would be in the hospital for about 3 weeks, in New York City...the kids would be at home, still in school. My mom was planning on coming out to stay with the kids and help with David. After being discharged from the hospital, he still wouldn't be able to go home, he would need to be right by the hospital, so we would have to stay at Hope Lodge (if they had the room) while recuperating for at least another 3-5 weeks. He wouldn't be able to eat any food from a restaurant, and a lot of other restrictions...because his immune system would still be regrowing. He wouldn't be able to work for 3 months...it was going to be a big, big deal! When Dr Lassman said that it didn't seem like the trial would be beneficial, I was relieved, but obviously, still a bit worried. He said that he wanted David to continue the Temodar for the standard 12 cycles and then we would reevaluate our options at that point.
Driving home to get ready for David's party, I was mostly happy! Of course, David's work had already laid him off for the summer because of his upcoming procedure. Go figure, they didn't hire him back till September, so we did have to deal with the 3 months of unemployment. We had been planning for it...but still, it was tight! But, the party was fun!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! David decided to use some of our savings to buy a Cobra Mustang! What the heck?!?!?!? I mean, really??? Of course, this was before we knew his work didn't have anything for him until September...lol...oh my...that thing is the bane of my existence! David's done so much fixing/upgrading to it (which translates to $$$)...it's taking up my space in the garage! (two years of having to park in the snow!)...not to mention, it's spent 90% of its time undriveable on jack stands. I mean seriously, it's on them now!!! GRRRRRRRRR lol
Around this point, Buddy got his first haircut. I loved his baby curls, but it was time to move on ;)
4th of July was fun as always...with lots of yummy food!
I just thought these corn on the cob cupcakes were the cutest thing ever! and you can't beat Tres Leches cake!
Apparently David's hot rod instincts don't confine themselves to his car...
Red Three turned 5!
Red Three wanted a rose cake...it came out pretty well!
Then it was time for my birthday! I had Dave and Sarah and Kim and Torrey and all the kids over. It was nice!
Here's Sarah's update: is headed over to Mary Catherine Woolley's so she can make us dinner for HER birthday (she insisted)! We do have some reason to celebrate, my husband's radiologist said it looks like the tumor has definitely shrunk, we will know more after scans, we will keep everyone posted! Keep those prayers coming!
This was after being on chemo and radiation for 6 weeks.
I was able to go to Nashville, TN for the MOPS convention at the beginning of August. It was a blast! Coming home from the beautiful Gaylord Opry Hotel was a bit of a letdown...lol
Buddy got super adventurous in August! I'm surprised we never made it to an emergency room.
He also decided to fall down the stairs and walk into counters...oh my!
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Random pics from the summer fun... |
We were able to go see the second Harry Potter Death Hallows movie with Dave and Sarah!
It was a big birthday! 60 for Mama and 8 for Red Two ;)
Sarah - Dave's
wonderful family & my brother gifted him a shed (and all of the
extra materials) for his Birthday, thank you!! All day yesterday and
this morning there was a good 'ole fashion shed-raising here ...
thank you, Keith Dumas (who has probably clocked at least 40 hrs on
the project), Torrey, David
and Peter for
your hard work! I will take some pictures to bring to Dave at
Hospital, he was so worried about all of you!
This is what happens when Daddy gets a hold of the clippers!
A real mohawk...he was only rocking a fauxhawk before ;)
My deep thought for the day...
David continued on his 4 week chemo cycles...having a few days of feeling yucky, but most of the time not too bad. We still went to Sloan every couple of months for MRIs and check ups.
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