Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Day 2 - 5 Years of Gray!

Can y'all believe this is my fifth year going gray in May? Kinda crazy! As I'm sure y'all know, May is brain cancer awareness month, and obviously, the color is gray, which I wear everyday and post pics to raise awareness all month long.

Here are some links to a few websites that have more info about Brain Cancer awareness, as well as ideas for how to raise awareness and support. Please check them out!

Info and statistics on Brain Tumors from American Brain Tumor Association
Go Gray in May Twibbon update to show your support on social media platforms. I've already updated mine! ;)
Use the #GOGRAYINMAY on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)

And remember, I love guest posts! So send me your gray pics!!!

I had nothing to do all morning, so I decided it was the perfect day for Savers! That's my favorite store! lol...I totally scored too! Found some cute clothes for me, including some gray! and shoes for the kids...even snagged a couple pairs of Chucks for Glitter and Buddy. Glitter has a good collection of Chucks going...gotta love thrift stores! Then I ran to the grocery store and grabbed a few odds and end. David decided to go on Atkins, so that's always fun...not. I'm standing there reading all the labels to make sure there are 0 carbs. At least he's doing better on it this time...he's usually super grumpy! 😄 

Glitter wore gray today! 
And so did Daddy! 
I got all the kids one of Stephen Amell's Fight Cancer shirts for Christmas :)

We have a guest post today! My brother's sweet gf, Kristine, wore gray in honor of David! Thank you lovely!

I'm so glad spring has finally arrived! I love seeing all the beautiful blooming trees and flowers. Makes my heart happy!

Alrighty, time to try to catch up! September coming right up ;)

Look at these cutie kids heading back to school! Shift started high school! Fluffernutter is in 8th, Glitter is in 5th, and Buddy is in 1st. Growing so fast!

Glitter and Clever Bell rocking the ears!

Fluffernutter was totally bummed that she had to start school on her birthday...lol...13! I have 2 teenagers now! She loves foxes, pineapples and Marvel...so I tried to include all of that in her birthday celebration! haha

These masks were hysterical!
Y'all gotta forgive the crappy pictures...remember, my camera died 😢
Fluffernutter went with ribs, corn, potato salad and guacamole for her birthday dinner
Her big present was tickets to a twenty øne piløt concert! and the t-shirt to hold her over until January!

Things slowly got back to normal...kids were all back in school. Mumsie flew home (and my house promptly devolved to it's natural state of disaster). Shift started suffering from some health problems...she managed to sprain her ankle, get strep, and go through a burst cyst all in one month...it was not fun!

Freckles did NOT like her hat! I barely got her to keep it on long enough to snap this!
Walking at the reservoir with Sarah and Kim, and we saw this fawn so close! It was adorable! I couldn't believe how close it was.

September means football season! David and I managed to catch a couple games at the pub which was great. Any time he feels up to getting out the house for a couple hours is to be celebrated! Most days are still spent home and in bed.

Starting up our NFL tradition again... Watching the Texans at our favorite sports spot (they always remember we're Texans fans! Probably because we're the only ones... Lol) ... Waiting on some pulled pork nachos and pub sampler... Enjoying my yuengling! Happy David is feeling good today!

Just look at the fiery sky!

Apparently the girls and I managed to get out for a (window) shopping spree. We had such a great time wandering the mall and hanging out!

haha, Glitter went through a total hipster phase, fake glasses and all! So cute...and hilarious!

 No break from hospitals and doctors I'm afraid.

Dr appt and treatment...which is such a nice phrase for pumping poison through your veins :/

well...lots of waiting was had today! lol...but good report from the doc...everything is still stable...looks like this chemo is working...got another round (8th) even though normally only get 6 rounds of this particular type. We'll reassess next time, after David gets another lumbar puncture to check his spinal fluids. Dr is pretty pleased with how he's doing...especially that he has no new side effects! Praise God...and thanks for all the prayers!

And that was our September...October to follow soon.

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