Sunday, May 1, 2016

Day 1 - Is it seriously May already?!?!?!?

OK, so I have got to be the worst blogger ever!'s been almost a year since I've updated my blog at all. I've thought about it plenty of times, but when you hear the year I've had, hopefully y'all will cut me some slack! ;) 

But first, down to business. As y'all probably know already, May is brain cancer awareness month...and the color of brain cancer is gray...haha, yeah, like gray matter. So during the entire month of May I wear gray everyday and post a pic along with snippets of daily life, etc to help raise awareness. This is the fourth year I've done this! which is actually pretty exciting! 

Here are some links to a few websites that have more info about Brain Cancer awareness, as well as ideas for how to raise awareness and support. Please check them out!

Info and statistics on Brain Tumors from American Brain Tumor Association
Go Gray in May Twibbon update to show your support on social media platforms. I've already updated mine! ;) 

Please consider one of those or come up with your own idea! The more we can raise awareness the better! It's unbelievable how much brain cancer impacts the lives of those around us and yet it doesn't get the mainstream coverage that so many other cancers do. I mean, malignant brain tumors are the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in adolescents and young adults aged 15-39. That's horrific! And there is no cure...we need to change this! There's a little boy at my church, just diagnosed a few weeks ago and he and his family are going through the worst time of their's so hard to keep hearing about this awful disease affecting another life. Praying for a miracle...and praying for breakthroughs in treatment! It is desperately needed!

Yes, I matched my lipstick to my hair ;)

Since today was Sunday, which means church day, I was wearing one of my maxi dresses that I love! And I had a baby shower to go to this I stayed dolled up all day. Unfortunately, I can't find my camera battery charger, so y'all are stuck with my crappy phone pics until I can locate it. sigh...yet another example of my imperfect

So today I'm gonna do the most ridiculously succinct recap of the past year...and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to start fleshing it out with all the details....and...go!

June - David drove to New Mexico to work the summer there! Mike finally came back from Qatar...visited...took Sparkle home with more niece in the house.
July - David flies home for oncology/MRI appt...yeah, yeah, looks day, as he's at the airport flying back to NM, oh no it doesn't, we think there is something growing in the back of the head, but we don't know, we'll check in a couple months. what??? 
August - Visit to Papa and Miss Lissy in Michigan...Mom visited us...David finally came home. Kids went to Camp Kesem.
September - awful month...lost a friend.
October - confirmed new tumor in the back of David's head.
November - Sloan opinion - no surgery, just radiation. Hartford opinion - surgery then radiation! ummmm...Happy Thanksgiving?
December - Yay Christmas and family! Boo Surgery...
January - Wow, this sucks! so many side much vomit
February - still sucks...Sloan visit...why you still sick? OK, lets add radiation.
March - Oh God, when will this end??? Happy Anniversary.
April - Radiation is over...will he finally start mending? Let's try PT and speech therapy.
May - hopeful.

and there you have't worry, I'll be giving y'all all (or most) the dirty details over the next few days. I'm just glad May forced me to finally get back on my blog. I love doing's cathartic...but sometimes I just need something to make me buckle down.

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