Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 10...and 9 - Happy Birthday Papa!

Alrighty, so I tried to post yesterday, but there was a big Cox outage! I am just not having the best luck with my posts this year! Anywho...first things first...we are home! Hallelujah!!! Yesterday when the team made their rounds, they said since David's counts were alright, and he was feeling fine (well, not any worse anyways...) that we could go home without needing the Neupogen (white blood cell booster) shots. I was so excited!!! That was around 10 or so...of course, it still took a few hours to get everything squared away...prescriptions, discharge info, etc.

Of course, the insurance still wasn't fixed. I talked to the lady in the benefits office at the union. Oh, while I was home I went through my mail (I have a mail phobia, need to do better!!!) and found a notification stating that David didn't have enough hours worked in January, so his benefits would be terminated. Of course, that was a few weeks ago, so it was terminated. But the lady was super helpful, basically just needed a letter from the doctor outlining the surgery that he had in Dec, and that would be enough to show why he didn't work enough hours. Which all sounded doable, just wasn't sure how long it would take to get it back up and running. 

We were so glad to get out of there! felt like an escape! hahaha...although it did interrupt a good nap for David :P But some ice cream from Baskin Robbins made up for it! lol Of course, the kids were so happy to see Daddy! We even celebrated with his favorite, Chinese! 

Fluffernutter got me this shirt for Christmas! She and I are both big Marvel fans, so it was perfect!

Today we hit the road again, this time to Boston. David's union is located there, and we needed to take care of some business. His dues were a bit behind, plus wanted to check on the status of the insurance as well as a few other things. We were able to meet with the lady who was talking to us yesterday. She hadn't received the fax yet, but said that as soon as she did, it would be a matter of just 24-48 hours for the insurance to be reinstated. Which was great to hear! She was also able to notarize the HIPAA authorization form for them to talk to me on the phone, even without David...lol...we definitely need that! It's so frustrating to talk to him on the phone...I always have it like pressed as far into my ear as it will go and it's even worse now that he can't project as much since surgery. :) 

Then, our reward for all our hard work was to stop by Mike's Pastry!!! If you ever go to Boston, it's a must! They have the best lobster tails (nope, not seafood, it's a gigantic 4 cheese stuffed crispy pastry that is to die for)! Glitter went in with me, and went crazy with my camera, taking pictures of all the goodies! We got a few lobster tails, a couple cream puffs, and of course, their pistachio macaroons. I don't know how they make them, but they are magic! They are crunchy on the outside, but the inside is gooey coconutty pistachio goodness! I wish I knew how they made them, so I could copy it!

These are only a few of the pics she took! lol
Beautiful park we passed, right on the harbor!

OK, here is today's gray!

It's also Papa's birthday today! Wish we were celebrating together! We miss him so much! But his support and love is more than we could ask for. I know I've said it before, but I'll keep saying it, I am SO blessed with the best father-in-law I could have imagined! We love you Dad!!!

this is from Christmas before last...back in his lumberjack phase ;)

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