Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 16 - Monday Blues

Y'all should have seen my calendar alarm list today! I had to many reminders, it sure felt like a Monday! We were supposed to follow up with David's primary care doc today after his ER trip. So, I had to call them, then call David's PT facility to cancel that appointment, no way he could do PT on his leg. I also needed to fax a release form to request MRI copies from Sloan. We were also supposed to get blood work done...that's a weekly thing while he's on chemo. I also wanted to follow up with Social Security about his disability application...when I filled out the online application it said that after completing it we needed to call, because of the nature of his disability. Not to mention, my entire mudroom floor was covered with dirty laundry! 

So, naturally, when Sarah texted Kim and I to see if we wanted to get together for coffee this morning after school drop off, I was like, YES!!!!! I desperately needed some coffee, friendly faces, encouragement, and motivation! lol...I said as long as no one cared that I was in my sweats! Luckily so was everyone else! Yeah! ;) And we all had gray on too...but I didn't take a't think they would have appreciated that :P It was so good to chill for a bit...just what I needed to start my Monday! 

David's appointment got pushed back till the afternoon, so I had time to get some stuff done around the much laundry! Got some Gilmore Girls in while folding...I only recently got into that show...I really like it though! Not my typical geeky or action show, but I'm really enjoying it. I still have a mountain left to fold though! lol

After I got the kids from school, David and I went to his appointment. His PCP didn't really have any answers for us though. He was stumped...but said it was probably some sort of injury...but again, nothing seriously wrong. It was marginally better today, so hopefully it's healing. David and I figure it's some sort of sprain, and the swelling exacerbated his body pain, so it's like a double whammy! Basically the doc said to keep up on his pain meds, stay as active as possible while taking it

We were going to get his blood work done after, but the lab had already closed...oops! So we'll do that tomorrow. So we ran a couple other my fax sent too! Hopefully won't take too long, I need those cds for an appointment next week. Although, I definitely should have sent the fax last week...just spaced on it :/ I totally didn't take care of the SSN stuff either...oh well. We call in the morning. 

Oh my gosh guys! I just slit my finger open trying to get a drink! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! I was trying to get some plastic wrap to cover a drink that the cap was lost from...and when I put it back in the drawer I sliced my finger on the foil cutter thingy on the box...y'all know what I'm talking about! Aw man, it hurts SO bad!!!! And seriously, it takes entirely TOO long to get a bandaid out, opened, and wrapped around a cut! lol...ok, ok, ok, back to the subject...I am having a really hard time it! 

OK, trying to move on...if it wasn't bleeding so bad I'd have snapped a pic so y'all could share my misery! lol

Breathe in...breathe out...sip your bourbon...



Alright, what was I talking about...oh, well, I pretty much finished up the! that's what I'm supposed to be posting...right, OK, here goes...

Look at my sweet peas!
They both had gray on today! 
monkey boy
why yes, that is a pink violin! lol
Glitter has been begging me to cut her hair for several days...I finally got it done yesterday! She looks adorable! It's not the best job...just don't look too close!

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