Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 12 - Back to the mundane.

Bit of a return to normalcy today. Had a lot of things to try to get done. First off, Shift had a doctor's appointment in the morning. Then I ran to the grocery store to get supplies for David. He decided to go back on Atkins, so I had to stock up on proteins ;) Of course, his idea of Adkins is ribeye! I had to rein him in a bit! lol

Then I started trying to figure out what we need to do to get Social Security Disability going. David obviously won't be able to go back to work, so we need to get disability...and then his pension and other things should kick in from the union. I just hope it doesn't take forever for them to approve his application! and praying that it's not a nightmare of a bureaucratic process! This had the added benefit of forcing me to go through all the piles of mail. I must have shredded about three baskets worth! My paper corner looks so much better! Unfortunately, I can't find Buddy's birth certificate, which is just weird! I used it to register him for Kindergarten...but it wasn't with all the other kids'...and I'm missing another folder of info. I've looked everywhere I can think of! Seriously, paperwork is the bane of my existence. I have a phobia with it...I try to ignore it as long as possible...but that never works well for me. I should just put on my big girl pants and deal with it! Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do from now on! if I'll just remember this the next time I want to procrastinate! 

Here's today's gray!

Then tonight, the older two had their Spring Chorus Concert. Oh, how I dread those things!!! lol...I'm that grumpy parent just counting the seconds till it's over! and it was so many seconds! hahahaha! There were six different choirs singing, and you'd think that perhaps the thought might cross someone's mind, hmmm, maybe they should each only sing a couple songs so it doesn't drag on all night. But did it? Nope. Each choir had at least three songs, one of them had five! Ugh! I mean, it's cute and all...but come on! And I couldn't even sneak out early, because Fluffernutter sang at the beginning of the concert, and Shift wasn't until the very end! Plus, it was absolutely freezing! I had the great fortune to pick the seat right under the vent...I was shivering the whole time! Luckily my phone charge lasted and I could bejewel away ;) I'm so bad!

Getting ready 
My beautiful lovies!

Hey y''s almost the middle of May (wow, seriously?!?!?!?) and I haven't had a guest post yet!!! I'd absolutely love to feature you if you send me a pic wearing gray! 

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