Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 31 = Wow! 

Thanks to everyone for their kind comments and support. I'm glad everyone has been enjoying my ramblings and flashbacks. Not to worry, even though May is ending, I will be continuing my blog with outfits (though not daily), random thoughts, more flashbacks (I've got to catch you up) and ongoing oncology experiences.

Can you believe, I actually made it through the month without any repeat outfits! Woohoo ;) My lovely mom took my pic today! did good!

I really like the beaded collar on this blouse! Which of course, I found at Savers! Even better, IMO.

I'm heading in to help in with Red One's class today. They've been working on their country projects (she had Egypt) and today is the international luncheon. The kids will be bringing in food from the country they are working on. Red One made basbousa, all by herself, which is an Egyptian sweet semolina cake doused in lemony simple syrup. It's a bit too sweet and one note for me, but I think all the kids will love it!.

This is it, other than the almonds...we went with no nuts to make it easier with the school allergy guidelines...I think the crunch would help though!

And finally, I need to share great news with you. The medicine arrived this morning!!! Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!!!!! I really hope that next time it's not such a nightmare!

This month has been so great. I've been able to talk to people about brain cancer awareness...the support from family and friends has been wonderful! Thank you all for your love, prayers, and friendship. This journey would be much darker and lonelier with y'all! God bless you all!

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